Bone Grafting

in Burlington, ON

Build a Strong Foundation with Bone Grafting Expertise

Bone Grafting for a Resilient Smile

Bone grafting is a specialized procedure used in the field of dentistry and orthopedics to enhance bone regeneration and support tissue healing. It is commonly employed to address bone deficiencies caused by trauma, disease, or other factors. By promoting new bone growth, bone grafting facilitates the restoration of bone structure and function, leading to improved overall health and quality of life.

What is Bone Grafting?

Bone grafting involves the transplantation or placement of a graft material into an area where bone is needed. The graft material can be obtained from various sources, such as the patient’s own body (autograft), a donor (allograft), synthetic materials, or a combination of these. The graft serves as a scaffold that provides a framework for new bone cells to grow and eventually replace the graft material, resulting in the formation of new, healthy bone tissue.

How Does Bone Grafting Work?

During a bone grafting procedure, the graft material is carefully placed into the target area, which may be a bone defect or a site where bone regeneration is desired. The graft material acts as a support structure, facilitating the migration and proliferation of cells responsible for bone formation, such as osteoblasts. Over time, these cells populate the graft material and begin depositing new bone matrix, gradually integrating it with the surrounding bone tissue.
The success of bone grafting relies on several factors, including the quality and quantity of the graft material, the surgical technique employed, and the patient’s overall health and healing capacity. Close monitoring and follow-up care are crucial to ensure proper healing and the desired outcome of the bone grafting procedure.

Benefits of
Bone Grafting

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of bone grafting?

The purpose of bone grafting is to promote bone regeneration and address bone defects or deficiencies. It is commonly used in dental procedures, orthopedic surgeries, and to address bone loss caused by trauma, disease, or congenital conditions.

How is bone grafting performed?

Bone grafting is performed by placing a graft material into the target area where bone regeneration is needed. The graft material can be obtained from the patient’s own body (autograft), a donor (allograft), synthetic materials, or a combination of these. The graft serves as a scaffold for new bone cells to grow and eventually replace the graft material, leading to the formation of new, healthy bone tissue.

Is bone grafting a painful procedure?

The discomfort experienced during and after a bone grafting procedure can vary depending on the individual and the extent of the grafting. Generally, local anesthesia is used during the procedure to numb the area, minimizing any pain or discomfort. Post-operative pain can be managed with prescribed pain medication, and the discomfort typically subsides as the healing process progresses.

How long does it take for a bone graft to heal?

The healing time for a bone graft can vary depending on the size and complexity of the graft, as well as the individual’s overall health. In general, it can take several months for the graft to fully integrate with the surrounding bone tissue and for complete healing to occur. During this time, it is important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by our dentists to promote successful healing.

Not sure if you need bone grafting? Take a moment to fill in the form below. Our dedicated team will promptly reach out to you to arrange a convenient appointment. By completing the form, you are taking the first step toward restoring your bone health and improving your overall well-being. Don’t wait any longer – schedule your Bone Grafting consultation today and let us guide you on your path to optimal bone healing.